Monday, December 7, 2009


woh era uoy - nah its not some sentence I can translate - neither does it mean anything in Malay or cantonese or mandarin for that matter. So what is it doing in here. I dont know myself. Google? - might help you, but I cant assure you of results from that. Am I talking drivel? wouldnt be surprised if you agreed - well thats the kinda state I am in. I have heard of sleepless in Seattle - but klueless in KL? Yeah - thats the state I am in, absolutely clueless - I dunno if I should be thanking the little one for this clueless sojourn of mine. Am I kinda sounding lost? I have a small anecdote from my hostel days related to lost n found. One of the hostel mates had lost his calculator and he had put up a note saying "Lost calculator model FX-** - if you find it please return to me." And he had left his name,room number etc.. A couple of days later there was a note underneath that which read "I have found your calculator - now you find me!!". Come on folks, it was not me who added that note. Trust me.

Digression, let me get back to what I wanted to talk about.

So, c(K)lueless, where did it all start? I would attribute this to the economy slowdown...wait wait, what did I say? Big words? nah not at fact it HAS to do with it. If only companies could afford me (guess I am a touch expensive for most of the companies in this region) - I wouldnt be sitting here trying to while away time doing everything else that is not related to work. An empty mind they say is a devil's workshop (trust me, it is already in overdrive mode). Just to avoid the devil in me to stop working overtime , I was looking for avenues to channelise my energy into something constructive. Did someone say sleep? There could be folks who would like to contest the usage of words like energy with reference to me - no comments. :) Digression Ravi , get back.

So, it was one those forward mails which got me into the state I am in. Klueless it said, and it has continued to reflect in me until now. The disclaimer note on the webpage warns folks of getting hooked, loosing ur hair (if any), loosing ur job and a host of other things. As yet, nothing adverse (everything happens for the good aint it) has happened to me. Yeah, there have been instances when I havent been in a position to devote more time for my other pastime - cooking!!. But yeah there have been a couple of times when I have switched off my lappy out of sheer frustration at 12 or later in the nite, and woke up within the next 15 minutes or so just to crack one of the levels. Just one more try for what you surmised might be the answer. Wondering what I am grumbling / ranting / raving (not sure what to say) about????? Here it is - check out this link ->>>>>>>>>>> . Before you can really get on with it, I would strongly advise you to go thru the pre-reading material that has been 'prescribed' for this game. :) And if you develop a liking to it, am not to be held responsible for the consequences.

It is all about cracking puzzles which is presented in the most obscure form. Clues? well, when IIM Indore folks have christened this as 'Klueless' - you can very well know how easy it would be to get the clues in the first place. :) It surely has been an intresting experience. Zara hatke, you could call it as. Tests your patience to the limit. And I did do a select count(*) for hair count - need to do it again once I am done cracking this all the way. Oh yes for me - its been a wonderful learning experience. Quite a few things which I was not aware of, I got to learn - thanks to Klueless and yeah to the little one who got me into this. Grrrrrrrrrr..

PS: Dont tell me it is too hard to figure out my first sentence - woh era uoy?