Monday, October 26, 2009

Flirting ????? Is this it???

Am being encouraged by a little one to indulge in this activity. Wondering if this is a medium to express yourself? Or is this a medium to know more about yourself? Or is it a medium to tell others what you have been upto lately... Answer to it - yes - time, time will tell what this is all about.

After much of thought, I thought it is best to blog about what I consider myself (correction - its more according to others, including my better half!!!! ) good at ...... flirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtingggggggggggggggg..... oh yes, if someone were to ask me what my hobby is, I wouldnt mind telling it is flirting. :) So many people cant be wrong when they say I am good at it, isnt it. So probably it is the truth that I am good at flirting. Am serious - dead serious about it. Wondering how can flirting be serious? Well yeah according to me it is an art which needs to be practised to be perfect - or should I be telling - to be successful. Flirting has to be taken up seriously - else you would land up in big trouble. And trouble comes in all shapes and sizes. Conversely its a well know fact - no pain - no gain. That leads me to the point of talking about gains.All said and done - what would I consider as being a successful flirt? For me - hmmmmmm time to think over.. do I have to revisit my goals?? :) Jokes apart, it is just about developing a rapport with an individual of the opposite sex. Getting them to feel comfortable to talk to me with a smile on their face. PERIOD. Oh yes I am very clear about this - oppposite sex. Come on - its Dostana ka zamana (due respects to all who have IT for members of their own gender) - and I for one prefer to be straight. Digression.

Coming back to what I wanted to blog about, I strongly believe in the fact that flirting is more of a relative term. Consider this - there could be a girl for whom just a look and saying good morning everyday - and she might think "oooooo this guy flirts to the core". There could be someone else who I would luv to 'flirt' with and I say "u r luking lovely today" - she might as well dismiss that as a compliment. :( Those were just couple of examples - just think about it when you are mingling with folks from different ethnicity, different countries etc.. ooooooooooooooo that makes it much more complicated. Imagine how it would be to 'flirt' with a person who speaks normal english and after you say one of the best lines - she smiles at you and says "sum ting wong ken u splain"............ uffffffffffff... give up? Na never, thats where the challenge is. Persist (euphemism for stubborn according to a taurean) on what you want ... oh gosh - am getting a bit to philosophical here. Lets cut out that . Talking about the best lines - just imagine this "god must have worked overtime to creat you" and for all that you know the girl is an atheist hahahahahahhaha. Imagine again if a guy is talking to a girl and their conversation goes on something like 'good morning sister, how is mummy daddy and all'. And here we have the folks around this guy 'yeh kabhi nahi sudrega - dekho kissey baat kar raha hai - baaprey kitna flirt karta hai' pity the guy who is looking for a sister. Bottom line - perceptions differ.

Body language plays a big part in this. I have a ex-colleague of mine who has imparted some of his knowledge on body language and flirting. Did I put to use the knowledge I gained from him - no not at all. One of the basics I learnt from him was to watch the toes of the lady when she is sitting next to you. As per him - if pointed in one particular direction the lady is 'flirting' with you. There you go, you have the lady expressing herself with crossed legs and her toes and all that I percieve is "uffff.. such ugly toes why doesnt she wear a socks". Perception boss, perception.

I really do not understand the point wherein one gets classified as a big time flirt if he is 'accepted' by girls. Thanks to the little one's perception - a few key words I learnt - Casanova , maska maarna, charmer (westerners pls note..we indians are not just snake charmers :P) are some, a 'flirt' like me would be associated with. Boost to the ego for the guy who is a compulsive flirt? not really!!! unless and until he is of my kind :). Just talking to the fairer sex (on a regular basis ;)) doesnt make one a compulsive flirt - Chill out - am not complaining about anyone. :)

So what really is Flirting? I just checked out on the online dictionary - and it is relating to innuendos, double entendres, expression thru body language, sexual connotations etc etc etc. the list goes on. Gosh thats a huge list where I guess I dont fit in at all. Or is it that I have been indulging in all that without realising that it is being perceived as such by the fairer sex? If yes, hmmmm I cant be forcing folks to change their perception about me. Its all in the(ir) mind - isnt it?.I have this classification called harmless flirting - how do I define that?. As per my books I would define as indulging in banter with members of the opposite sex (there I go again emphasising on the opposite sex thingy) in a jovial manner ensuring that the other person is comfortable enuf to perceive the way I would expect. Thats a bit too complicated isnt it. Thats where it comes to drawing the line. And I make sure that the line drawn flashes in my grey matter every now and then. And as long as the grey matter functions normally - I guess I would keep continuing with my so called flirting.

Adios for now - lemme see if my flirtatious ways can be maintained in this different place and different environs. Keeps me going folks!!!!


  1. I did have a few folks providing feedback on my previous posting(flirting). They preferred to directly chat up with me and tell me instead of commenting on the blog itself. Probably the topic is kinda taboo to be commented upon. :) Here are a few.
    "not bad - you could have done it better" - that was from my wife - ofcourse she was talking about my writing style - not about my flirting style.
    "peps me up if I talk to you (read as if I flirt with her)" - a friend of mine.
    "accha hai - aap kay saat baat (again to be read as flirt) karney sey kaam ka pressure kam lagta hai" - an other friend of mine.
    And of course there has been this person who is planning to enroll for classes on understanding body language. :)

    The best I received when I asked an other friend of mine to comment is
    "what can I say on this - you are the SME" awwwwwwwww am :">

  2. Adding an other comment from an other friend of mine - here it goes..
    ""by Jo. i mean u hv so much of time 2 write that crap in ur blog.hats off... """ - simple sounds like he is jealous of me. :P
