Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Art of Cooking - by Ravi ...................

Apa kabar awak, thats bahasa malay for you meaning how are u?
During my earlier job , I had this discussion with a consultant about their 'modus operandi' - pardon me for that usage. What he said did sound pretty impressive ( just a case of 'other side of the pasture is greener'). So I took the plunge and here I am working as one as of now.

I looked back over this period (as a consultant) to see what is it I have gained. To name a few - a richer CV is one thing for sure, in addition to travelling to other countries, working alongside folks from different walks of life and ofcourse various cuisines to indulge in. Lying on top of this heap of things I have gained, is one more soft skill which is rapidly improving - but - unfortunately I am not in a position to add this to my CV. Wondering what skill set I am talking about? Cooking!!! yes, me - Ravi - who dons the garb of a cook quite frequently oflate. If Yan can cook - I can cook too. (too much of TV!!!). I can see some of the folks curling up their nose associating my fondness for sushi. Recipes for sushi are surely welcome. With the local restorans (thats bahasa Malay again, for Restaurant) dishing out all the TN cuisines in every nook and corner, it was time to get into something novel, zara hatke. So in my free time (most of it is, as of now :P) I spend time in my kitchen.

We guys, me and my apartment mate(Angshuman), have a mutual respect for whatever is cooked by either of us. Never ever have we said "nahi yaar yeh theek nahi bana". Its been "arre yaar.. yeh toh ekdum sahi hai", "mast hai boss" or "accha hai", "theek hai" (actually the last two are variants for - 'mmmmm its ok - can manage' or 'no comments' :P) With the basic parapharnelia available, and the challenges (I love this word being used by the IT industry folks!!), its been intresting. I have had this good fortune of savouring (I know its a bit too far fetched - those words) some bengali cuisine. Heard of Shahi alu karela sabji? Would like feedback on this from you folks. If it is something never heard of, I need to talk to my apartment mate to patent this!!. Recipe? - please do mail us and I am sure my apartment mate would give it a thought (pending patent?) and might wanna share it. FYI : For a start we never come up with names for the dish we concoct. Its only the end product that is christened appropriately..;).

Cooking, ofcourse, is not all about coming out with concoctions. We realise it everyday that it is also about 'managing' things (read as taste). We come up with lot many workarounds (uff the IT lingo again).Here is one of those workarounds - What do you do if the dish you cooked is a bit too salty. Simple - add a bit of sugar. DISCLAIMER: Please do note that we do not assure you the best of results if the same logic is applied vice versa. One more tip? here it goes - if the dish you prepared doesnt come out well.. mask it.. oops.. garnish it with something appropriate. Want more tips.. feel free to revert. I would refrain from revealing the identity of the person who came out with those bright workarounds. Reason - as of now its a healthy race between the two of us as to who is a better cook. I wouldnt want that suspense to be revealed right away.

Actually we are ruminating over the prospects of taking up cooking professionally - so that we could be called as CHEF(s). Stay tuned folks, depending on who wins the coveted title we shall come up with a new cuisine which would be a combination of TN Cuisine and Bengali cuisine. (TamGali or BengMil - we are open to suggestions for other names as well). My apartment mate has been pondering over the idea of having a website catering to - yes, cooking!! and in addition to that we shall 'also' provide solutions for specific software related issues. Yeah, we are looking for sponsors - again - feel free to get in touch with us.

PS: Just wondering if employers read blogs - searching for 'would be chefs' who have 'some level' of exposure on computer software as well. Wont be too long before I shall be updating my resume. ;)

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